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Board Members

KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Principal Vice president Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung Hee University
Vice President Yong-Young Noh Prof. POSTECH
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Principal Cooperative Vice president Dal Soo Kim CEO Youngpoong GK
Cooperative Vice President SangTae Kim CTO Dongwoo Finechem
Chi-Woo Kim Vice Chairman APS Holdings
Kwanyoung Han Prof. Dankook University
Yong-Jin Park CEO SP Technology
Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Seongwon Kim Senior Manager Director Universal Display Corporation
Yong Kuk Yun Head of Sales Korea Merck Performance Materials Co., Ltd.
Joon Young Yang Research Director LG Display
Yoshiaki Izawa CEO Idemitsu Advanced Materials Korea
Gong Min Kim VP Samsung Display
General Affairs Director Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Yoonseuk Choi Prof. Hanbat National University
Finance Director Nam Sung Cho Head Researcher ETRI
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Academic Affairs Director Jun Yeob Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Sohee Jeong Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Seong Jun Kang Prof. Kyung Hee University
Suk-Ju Kang Prof. Sogang University
Cooperative/Advertisement Director YungKyung Park Prof. Ewha Womans University
Hye-Jung Im Head of Global Marcom Merck Performance Materials Co., Ltd.
You Seung Rim Prof. Sejong University
Jong-Hee Lee Prof. Hanbat National University
Jeong-Hun Kwak Prof. Seoul National University
Si Joon Kim Prof. Kangwon University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Bo Eun Kim CEO RAON Tech
Hyong Min Hahm Branch Manager Admesy
Do Young Byun Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
Jaehyeok Kim CEO LetinAR
Soo-Yeon Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Domestic Affairs Director
(Cooperative Director)
Youngshin Kwak Prof. UNIST
hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung hee University
Su Seok Choi Prof. POSTECH
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Planning Director Jeong-Ik Lee Head Researcher ETRI
Min Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Young-Woo Kim Principal Researcher KOPTI
Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
Yonghui Lee Head of Group Samsung Display
Gyeongwoo Park Task Leader LG Display
Chun-Won Byun Senior Researcher ETRI
Editor Director Chi-Sun Hwang Head Researcher ETRI
Dong Ki Yoon Prof. KAIST
Jisoo Hong Head Researcher KETI
Business Director Gidong Sa Head of Group KOPTI
Young Joon Hong Prof. Sejong University
Hyunkoo Lee Prof. Sookmyung Womens University
Jeong-Hwan Lee Prof. Inha University
Jongchan Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Auditor Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Byung Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary President Hoyoung Jung CEO LG Display
Honorary Chair-person Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Dong-Gun Park Advisor Samsung Display
Hee-Dong Park Dr. KRICT
Jun Hyung Souk  CEO BANDI Consortia
Sung-Tae Shin  Prof. Korea University
Sangdeog Yeo Advisor LG Display
Myung Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Dong-Hoon Lee Advisor Samsung Display
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Seoul National University
Sang Beom Han Advisor LG Display
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University

Advisory Committee
Position Name Title Affiliation
Executive Director Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Committee Member Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Sung-Kee Kang President Duksan Neo-Lux Co., Ltd.
Kwang-Soo Choi Prof. Chung-Ang University
Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Jin Oh Kwak Advisor Samsung Display
In Byeong Kang CTA LG Display
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Chang-Hee Lee Research Director Samsung Display
Hye-Yong Chu Advisor Samsung Display
Sooyoung Yoon CTO LG Display
Seung Hee Lee Prof. Chonbuk National University
Jeongno Lee Chief researcher KETI
Seunghyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Hoyoung Jung CEO LG Display
Principal Vice president Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Vice President Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Jun Yeob Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Principal Cooperative Vice president Dal Soo Kim CEO Youngpoong GK
Jeong-Ik Lee Head Researcher ETRI
Cooperative Vice President SangTae Kim General Manager Dongwoo Finechem
Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung Hee University
Seongwon Kim Director Universal Display Corporation
Chi-Woo Kim Vice President APS Holdings
Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Yong-Jin Park CEO SP Technology
Seunghyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Sooyoung Yoon CTO LG Display
Yong Kuk Yun General Manager Merck Advanced Technologies
Jeongno Lee Principal Researcher KETI
Chang-Hee Lee Research Director Samsung Display
Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Kwanyoung Han Prof. Dankook University
General Affairs Director Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Finance Director Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
YungKyung Park Prof. Ewha Womans University
Academic Affairs Director Suk-Ju Kang Prof. Sogang University
Seong Jun Kang Prof. Kyung Hee University
Yong-Young Noh Prof. POSTECH
Cooperative/Advertisement Director Jeong-Hun Kwak Prof. Seoul National University
Suhyeon Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Yoonseuk Choi Prof. Hanbat National University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Bo Eun Kim CEO RAON Tech
Do Young Byun Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Joon Young Yang Research Director LG Display
Jong-Hee Lee Prof. Hanbat National University
Jun Hyung Lim Master Samsung Display
Nam Sung Cho Head Researcher ETRI
Hyong Min Hahm Branch Manager Admesy
Domestic Affairs Director
(Cooperative Director)
Youngshin Kwak Prof. UNIST
hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung hee University
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
Jisoo Hong Head Researcher KETI
Planning Director Young-Woo Kim Principal Researcher KOPTI
Chun-Won Byun Senior Researcher ETRI
Seungjun Chung Head Researcher KIST
Su Seok Choi Prof. POSTECH
Sungho Ha Principal Engineer Samsung Display
Editor Director Dong Ki Yoon Prof. KAIST
Chi-Sun Hwang Head Researcher ETRI
Business Director Jang-Yeon Kwon Prof. Yonsei University
Si Joon Kim Prof. Kangwon University
Hojin Lee Prof. Soongsil University
Sung Haeng Cho Head Researcher ETRI
Sujung Huh principal engineer Samsung Display
Auditor Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary President Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Honorary Chair-person Dong-Hoon Lee Advisor Samsung Display
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Dong-Gun Park Advisor Samsung Display
Hee-Dong Park Dr. KRICT
Jun Hyung Souk  CEO BANDI Consortia
Sung-Tae Shin  Prof. Korea University
Sangdeog Yeo Advisor LG Display
Myung Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Seoul National University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang Beom Han Advisor LG Display

Advisory Committee
Position Name Title Affiliation
Executive Director Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Committee Member Sung-Kee Kang President Duksan Neo-Lux Co., Ltd.
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Seung Hee Lee Prof. Chonbuk National University
In Byeong Kang CTA LG Display
Jin Oh Kwak Advisor Samsung Display
Hye-Yong Chu Advisor Samsung Display
Kwang-Soo Choi Prof. Chung-Ang University
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Principal Vice president Hoyoung Jung CEO LG Display
Vice President Seunghyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Principal Cooperative Vice president Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Sooyoung Yoon CTO LG Display
Cooperative Vice President Dal Soo Kim CEO Youngpoong GK
SangTae Kim General Manager Dongwoo Finechem
Chi-Woo Kim CEO APS Holdings
Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Kyu Chang Park Prof. Kyung Hee University
Yong-Jin Park CEO SP Technology
Jeongno Lee Principal Researcher KETI
Jeong-Ik Lee Head Researcher ETRI
Hye-Yong Chu Vice President Samsung Display
Kwanyoung Han Prof. Dankook University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
General Affairs Director Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Finance Director YungKyung Park Prof. Ewha Womans University
Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
Editor Director Soo Young Kim Prof. Korea University
Soo Young Kim Prof. Korea University
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung Hee University
Jisoo Hong Head Researcher KETI
Chi-Sun Hwang Head Researcher ETRI
Academic Affairs Director Yong-Young Noh Prof. POSTECH
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Wan-Ki Bae Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Yoonseuk Choi Prof. Hanbat National University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
Sung Haeng Cho Head Researcher ETRI
Su Seok Choi Prof. POSTECH
Planning Director Young-Woo Kim Principal Researcher KOPTI
Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Joon-Young Yang Director LG Display
Sungho Ha General Manager Samsung Display
Cooperative/Advertisement Director Youngshin Kwak Prof. UNIST
Sung-Kyu Park Prof. Chung-Ang University
Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Corporate Social Responsibility Director
(Cooperative Director)
Antonio Kim Head of Marketing Merck Performance Materials
Jeong-Hun Kwak Prof. Seoul National University
Jong-Hee Lee Prof. Hanbat National University
Domestic Affairs Director
(Cooperative Director)
Jang-Yeon Kwon Prof. Yonsei University
Bo Eun Kim CEO RAON Tech
Seongwon Kim Director Universal Display Corporation
Yong-Sang Kim Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Do Young Byun Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Seung Hee Lee Prof. Chonbuk National University
hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung hee University
Byun Chun-Won Senior Researcher ETRI
Saeroonter Oh Prof. Hanyang University
Dong Ki Yoon Prof. KAIST
Soo-Yeon Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Hojin Lee Prof. Soongsil University
Seungjun Chung Head Researcher KIST
Hee-Jin Choi Prof. Sejong University
Hyong Min Hahm Branch Manager Admesy
Auditor Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung hee University
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary President Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Honorary Chair-person Dong-Hoon Lee Advisor Samsung Display
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Dong-Gun Park Advisor Samsung Display
Hee-Dong Park Dr. KRICT
Jun Hyung Souk  CEO BANDI Consortia
Sung-Tae Shin  Prof. Korea University
Sangdeog Yeo Advisor LG Display
Myung Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Seoul National University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University

Advisory Committee
Position Name Title Affiliation
Executive Director Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Committee Member Sung-Kee Kang President Duksan Neo-Lux Co., Ltd.
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Chang-Hee Lee Vice president Samsung Display
Choong-Hoon Lee President UBI Research
Byeong-Kwon Ju Prof. Korea University
Kwang-Soo Choi Vice President AFT
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Vice president Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Jeong-Ik Lee Assistant Vice President ETRI
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Cooperative Vice President Chi-Woo Kim President APS Holdings
Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Dal Soo Kim President Youngpoong GK
Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Kyu Chang Park Prof. Kyung Hee University
Yong-Jin Park President SP Technology
Sooyoung Yoon CTO LG Display
Jeong-No Lee Dr. KETI
Won-Gun Jang Dr. KOPTI
Hye-Yong Chu Executive Director Samsung Display
General Affairs Director Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
Finance Director Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Editor Director Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
Yong-Young Noh Prof. POSTECH
Jun Yeob Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung Hee University
Chi-Sun Hwang Dr. ETRI
Academic Affairs Director Seunghyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Soo Young Kim Prof. Korea University
Sung-Wook Min Prof. Kyung Hee University
Nam-Sung Cho Dr. ETRI
Planning Director Young-Woo Kim Dr. KOPTI
Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Joon-Young Yang Director LG Display
Sungho Ha Principal Engineer Samsung Display
Cooperative/Advertisement Director YungKyung Park Prof. Ewha Womans University
Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Saeroonter Oh Prof. Hanyang University
Corporate Social Responsibility Director Antonio Kim Head of Marketing Merck Performance Materials
Sung-Kyu Park Prof. Chung-Ang University
Wan-Ki Bae Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Domestic Affairs Director Youngshin Kwak Prof. UNIST
Jeong-Hun Kwak Prof. Seoul National University
Bo-Eun Kim President RAONTECH, INC.
Seongwon Kim Director Universal Display Corporation
Yong-Sang Kim Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Kim Il Ho President LMS
Kim Hye-Dong CTO Sunic system
Kim Hwi Prof. Korea University
hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung Hee University
Byun Chun-Won Dr. ETRI
Jong-Hee Lee Prof. Hanbat National University
Junsin Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Hojin Lee Prof. Soongsil University
Chung Seungjun Dr. KIST
Choi Jin-Wook Director DONGJIN SEMICHEM
Hee-Jin Choi Prof. Sejong University
Kwanyoung Han Prof. Dankook University
Hyong Min Hahm Branch Manager Admesy
Auditor yunhi Kim Prof. Gyeongsang National University
Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung Hee University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary president Dong-Hoon Lee Advisor Samsung Display
Honorary Chair-person Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Dong-Gun Park Advisor Samsung Display
Hee-Dong Park Dr. KRICT
Jun-Hyung Souk Prof. Hanyang University
Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Korea University
Sang-Deog Yeo Advisor LG Display
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Seoul National University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University

Advisory Committee
Position Name Title Affiliation
Executive Director Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Committee Member Sung-Kee Kang President Duksan Neo-Lux Co., Ltd.
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Chang-Hee Lee Vice president Samsung Display
Choong-Hoon Lee President UBI Research
Byeong-Kwon Ju Prof. Korea University
Kwang-Soo Choi Vice President AFT
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Dong-Hoon Lee President Samsung Display
Vice president Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Cooperative Vice President Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Hye-Yong Chu Executive Director Samsung Display
Dal Soo Kim President Youngpoong CMC
Chi-Woo Kim President APS Holdings
Yong-Jin Park President SP Technology
Sooyoung Yoon Executive Director LG Display
Byeong-Kwon Ju Prof. Korea University
Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Cheol-Hee Moon Prof. Hoseo University
Kyu Chang Park Prof. Kyung hee University
Gi-Dong Lee Prof. Dong-A University
Won-Gun Jang Dr. KOPTI
General Affairs Director Seunghyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Finance Director Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Editor Director Chi-Sun Hwang Managing Director ETRI
Jun Yeob Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung Hee University
Yong-Young Noh Prof. Dongguk University
Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
Academic Affairs Director Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Sung-Wook Min Prof. Kyung hee University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Nam-Sung Cho Managing Director ETRI
Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Planning Director Joon-Young Yang Manager LG Display
Jeong-Ik Lee Assistant Vice President ETRI
Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung Hee University
Sungho Ha Principal Engineer Samsung Display
Cooperative/Advertisement Director Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Soo Young Kim Prof. Korea University
Hee-Jin Choi Prof. Sejong University
Corporate Social Responsibility Director Antonio Kim Head of Marketing Merck Performance Materials
Yong-Sang Kim Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Sung-Kyu Park Prof. Chung-Ang University
Domestic Affairs Director Youngshin Kwak Prof. UNIST
Jeong-Hun Kwak Prof. University of Seoul
Young-Woo Kim Dr. KOPTI
hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Hee Lee Prof. Hanbat National University
Hojin Lee Prof. Soongsil University
Hyeong-Seob Choi Executive Director Wonik IPS
Soon-Bum Kwon Prof. Hoseo University
YungKyung Park Prof. Ewha Womans University
Jongwook Park Prof. Kyung hee University
seung hee Lee Prof. Chonbuk National University
Junsin Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Auditor Jeong-No Lee Dr. KETI
yunhi Kim Prof. Gyeongsang National University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary president Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Honorary Chair-person Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Korea University
Sang-Deog Yeo Advisor LG Display
Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Dong-Gun Park Advisor Samsung Display
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee Prof. Hanyang University
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Seoul National University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University

Advisory Committee
Position Name Title Affiliation
Executive Director Jun-Hyung Souk Prof. Korea University
Committee Member Hee-Dong Park Dr. KRICT
Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Sung-Kee Kang Vice president Duksan Neo-Lux Co., Ltd.
Choong-Hoon Lee President UBI Research
Kwang-Soo Choi President RCM
Chang-Hee Lee Vice president Samsung Display
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Vice president Dong-Hoon Lee President Samsung Display
Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Cooperative Vice President Jun-Hyung Souk Prof. Korea University
Dal Soo Kim President Youngpoong CMC
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Sang-Jik Kwon Prof. Gachon University
Kwang-Soo Choi Vice president JSR MICRO KOREA
Chi-Woo Kim Vice president APS Holdings
Kwan-Young Han Prof. Dankook University
Byeong-Kwon Ju Prof. Korea University
Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Hye-Yong Chu Executive Director Samsung Display
Yong-Jin Park President SP Technology
Sooyoung Yoon Executive Director LG Display
General Affairs Director Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Seunghyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Finance Director Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung Hee University
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Editor Director Chi-Sun Hwang Managing Director ETRI
Jun Yeob Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung Hee University
Yong-Young Noh Prof. Dongguk University
Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
Academic Affairs Director Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
You-Seung Rim Prof. Sejong University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Nam-Sung Cho Managing Director ETRI
Planning Director Beohm-Rock Choi Master Samsung Display
Joon-Young Yang Manager LG Display
Jeong-Ik Lee Assistant Vice President ETRI
Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Cooperative/Advertisement Director Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Sung-Kyu Park Prof. Chung-Ang University
YungKyung Park Prof. Ewha Womans University
Corporate Social Responsibility Director Do-Young Byun Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Yoonseuk Choi Prof. Hanbat National University
Antonio Kim Head of Marketing Merck Performance Materials
Domestic Affairs Director Hyeong-Seob Choi Senior Vice President Wonik IPS
Jeong-Hun Kwak Prof. University of Seoul
Jae-Hyeon Ko Prof. Hallym University
Youngshin Kwak Prof. UNIST
Hojin Lee Prof. Soongsil University
Si-Joon Kim Prof. Kangwon University
hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung hee University
Young-Woo Kim Managing Director KOPTI
Jong-Hee Lee Prof. Hanbat National University
Auditor Gi-Dong Lee Prof. Dong-A University
Jeong-No Lee Dr. KETI

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary president Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Korea University
Honorary Chair-person Sang-Deog Yeo President LG Display
Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Dong-Gun Park Standing Advisor SEC
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee Prof. Hanyang University
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Seoul National University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University

Advisory Committee
Position Name Title Affiliation
Advisory Committee Hee-Dong Park Dr. KRICT
Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Sung-Kee Kang Vice president Duksan Neo-Lux Co., Ltd.
Choong-Hoon Lee President UBI Research
Chang-Hee Lee Vice president Samsung Display
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Korea University
Vice president Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Chang-Hee Lee  Vice president Samsung Display
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Cooperative Vice President Jun-Hyung Souk Prof. Korea University
Hee-Dong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Sung-Kee Kang  Senior Vice President DS Neolux
Kwang-Soo Choi Vice president JSR MICRO KOREA
Choong Hoon Yi President UBI Research
Dal Soo Kim President Youngpoong CMC
Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Hye-Yong Chu Executive Director Samsung Display
Yong-Jin Park President SP Technology
Sooyoung Yoon Executive Director LG Display
General Affairs Director Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Finance Director Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Editor Director Jun Yeob Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung Hee University
YungKyung Park Prof. Ewha Womans University
Domestic Affairs Director Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
Nam Sung Cho Managing Director ETRI
Academic Affairs Director Jeong-Ik Lee Assistant Vice President ETRI
Yong-Young Noh Prof. Dongguk University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung Hee University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Planning Director Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
External Affairs Director Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Auditor Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Gi-Dong Lee Prof. Dong-A University
Cooperative Director Jeong-No Lee Dr. KETI
Antonio Kim Head of Marketing Merck Performance Materials
Sung-Kyu Park Prof. Chung-Ang University
Seunghyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Hoonjong Kang Group Leader KETI
Youngshin Kwak Prof. UNIST
Hojin Lee Prof. Soongsil University
hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung hee University
Naeil Lee Managing Director Wonik IPS
Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
Yoonseuk Choi Prof. Hanbat National University
Jiyoul Lee Prof. Pukyong National University
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Jae Hyoung Ryu Branch Director KILT
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary president Sang-Deog Yeo President LG Display
Honorary Chair-person Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Dong-Gun Park President Samsung Display
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee adviser Samsung Display
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Seoul National University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Sang-Deog Yeo President LG Display
Vice president Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Korea University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Chang-Hee Lee  Prof. Seoul National University
Cooperative Vice President Jun-Hyung Souk Prof. Korea University
Hyun-Dae Joe President SEMI Korea
Hee-Dong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Sung-Kee Kang  Senior Vice President DS Neolux
Seung-Jong Choi  Executive Director LG Electronics
Choong Hoon Yi President UBI Research
Dal Soo Kim President Youngpoong CMC
Seung-Eun Lee Executive Director Merck Performance Materials
Hye-Yong Chu Executive Director Samsung Display
Byeng Koo Kim Executive Director LG Display
General Affairs Director Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Finance Director Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Editor Director Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jun Yeob Lee Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung Hee University
Sung-Kyu Park Prof. Chung-Ang University
Domestic Affairs Director Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Young Noh Prof. Dongguk University
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Academic Affairs Director Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Seung-Hyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung Hee University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Planning Director Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Jeong-No Lee Dr. KETI
Jeong-Ik Lee Dr. ETRI
Auditor Kwang-Soo Choi Vice president JSR MICRO KOREA
Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Cooperative Director Mun-Pyo Hong Prof. Korea University
Won-Gun Jang Dr. KOPTI
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Jin Park President SP Technology
Sung Ho Jin Prof. Pusan National University
Gi-Dong Lee Prof. Dong-A University
Byong-Deok Choi Prof. Hanyang University
Jang-Kun Song Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Hyoungsik Nam Prof. Kyung Hee University
Sanghun Jeon Prof. Korea University
Hak-Rin Kim Prof. Kyungpook National University
Yong Hoon Kim Prof. Sungkyunkwan University
Yoonseuk Choi Prof. Hanbat National University
You Seung Rim Prof. Sejong University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary president Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Honorary Chair-person Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Dong-Gun Park President Samsung Display
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee adviser Samsung Display
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Seoul National University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Vice president Sang-Deog Yeo President LG Display
Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Kyung hee University
Byung-Seong Bae Prof. Hoseo University
Cooperative Vice President Industry and Academy Sung-Chul Kim Vice president Samsung Display
In-Byeong Kang  CTO LG Display
Sang-Yoon Lee Senior Vice President Samsung Electronics
Seung-Jong Choi  Executive Director LG Electronics
Sung-Kee Kang  Senior Vice President DS hi-metal
Seung-Eun Lee Executive Director Merck Advanced Technologies
Hyun-Dae Joe President SEMI Korea
Hee-Dong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Local Shin-Won Kang Prof. Hoseo University
Yong-Tae Sul Prof. Hoseo University
Myong-Hoon Lee Prof. Chonbuk National University
Global Jun-Hyung Souk Prof. Hanyang University
General Affairs Director Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Finance Director Gi-Dong Lee Prof. Dong-A University
Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Editor Director Jeong-Ik Lee Dr. ETRI
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung hee University
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Sung-Kyu Park Prof. Chung-Ang University
Domestic Affairs Director Byong-Deok Choi Prof. Hanyang University
Seung-Hyup Yoo Prof. KAIST
Academic Affairs Director Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyung hee University
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyung hee University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Planning Director Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Jeong-No Lee Dr. KETI
Jae-kyeong Jeong Dr. Hanyang University
Auditor Chung-Kun Song Prof. Dong-A University
Kwang-Soo Choi Vice president JSR MICRO KOREA
Cooperative Director Choon-Woo Kim Prof. Inha University
Byeong-Kwon Ju Prof. Korea University
Mun-Pyo Hong Prof. Korea University
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Chang-Hee Lee  Prof. Seoul National University
Kyung Cheol Choi Prof. KAIST
Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Hee Park Prof. KAIST
Yong-Jin Park President SP Technology
Chul-Oh Yoon  President Mcscience
Byeng-Koo Kim Executive Director LG Display
Hye-Yong Chu Executive Director Samsung Display

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary president Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Honorary Chair-person Dong-Gun Park President Samsung Display
Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee adviser Samsung Display
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Seoul National University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Duk Lee adviser Seoul National University
KIDS Board Members
Title Affiliation
President Sin-Doo Lee  Prof. Seoul National University
Vice president Jong-Sun Choi  Prof. Hongik University
Byung-Seong Bae Prof  Hoseo University
Byoung-Ho Lee  Prof. Seoul National University
Cooperative Vice President Industry and Academy Hak-Sun Kim Vice president Samsung Display
In-Byeong Kang  Senior Vice President LG Display
Sang-Yoon Lee Senior Vice President Samsung Electronics
Kwang Yeol Choi  Executive Director LG Electronics
Chul-Ju Hwang President Jusung Engineering
Hee-Jae Park President S&uprecision
Hyun-Dae Joe President SEMI Korea
Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof Pusan National University
Jong-Sub Kim Senior Vice President Cheil Industries
Seog-Jeong Song CTO President KOLON INDUSTRIES
Local Yong-Tae Sul  Prof. Hoseo University
Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Myong-Hoon Lee Prof. Chonbuk National University
Global Sung-Tae Shin  Prof. Seoul National University
General Affairs Director Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Finance Director Jae-kyeong Jeong Prof. Inha University
Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyunghee University
Editor Director Jeong-Ik  Lee Dr. ETRI
Chang-Jae Yu Prof. Hanyang University
Jae-Hyeung Park Prof. Inha University
Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyunghee University
Domestic Affairs Director Mun -Pyo Hong Prof. Korea University
Byong-Deok Choi Prof. Hanyang University
Academic Affairs Director Chang-Hee Lee  Prof. Seoul National University
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Suk-Won Choi Prof. Kyung hee University
Industry and Academy Cooperative Director Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Gi-Dong Lee Prof. Dong-A University
Planning Director Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Jin-seong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Hye-Yong Chu Dr. ETRI
Auditor Chung-Kun Song Prof. Dong-A University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Cooperative Director Choon-Woo Kim Prof. Inha University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Kwang-Soo Choi Vice president JSR MICRO KOREA
Sung-Kee Kang  Senior Vice President DS hi-metal
Hee-Dong Park Prof. Hanyang University
Chul-Oh Yoon  President Mcscience
Sung-Min Kim Senior Vice President Dow Chemical
Yong-Jin Park President SP Technology
Soon-Jong Lee President semisysco
Jae-Sung You President Panaxem
Seung-Eun Lee Senior Manager Merck Advanced Technologies
Jeong-No Lee Dr. KETI

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary president Jin Jang Prof. Kyung hee University
Honorary Chair-person Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee adviser Samsung Electronics
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Seoul National University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Kyung hee University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
consultative committee Jun-Hyung Souk Prof. Hanyang University
Ho-Kyoon Chung Prof. Sungkyunkwan university
Sung-Tae Kim adviser LG Siltron
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Jin Jang Prof. Kyunghee University
Vice President Duk-Young Jeon Prof. KAIST
Jang-Joo Kim Prof. Seoul National University
Joint Assistant Vice President Eui-Jin Yoo Director of Research Samsung Mobile Display
Sang-Deok Yeo CTO LG Display
Sung-Tae Shin Managing Director Samsung Display
Kwang-Yeol Choi senior vice president LG Electronics
Chul-Ju Hwang president Jusung Engineering
Lee-Soon Park Prof. Chonbuk national University
Soon-Ki Kwon Prof. Gyeongsang National university
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
General Secretary Sang Jik Kwon Prof. Gachon University
Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Director of Finance Byung-Seong Bae Prof. Hoseo University
Min-Chul Suh Prof. Kyunghee university
Editor Director Eun-Ha Choi Prof. Kwangwoon university
Yong-Sup Park Prof. Kyunghee university
Sang-Yeol Lee Prof. Cheongju university
Jeong-Ik Lee Dr. ETRI
Director of Domestic Affairs Ju-Young Jeong Prof. Suwon university
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Kyu-Chang Park Prof. Kyunghee university
Director of Academic Affairs Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Kyung-Cheol Choi Prof. KAIST
Young-Rae Cho Prof.
Director of Industry and Academe Cooperation Byeong-Kwon Joo Prof. Korea University
Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Planning Director Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. Soonchunhyang University
Jin-Seong Park Prof. Dankook University
Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyunghee University
Auditor Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Joint Assistant Director Jong-Dae Kim Dr. ETRI
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Jae-Kyeong Jeong Prof. Inha University
Byong-Deok Choi Prof. Hanyang University
Jung-Ah Lim Dr. KIST
Soon-Jong Lee President Semisysco
Jin-Seong Park Prof. Dankook University
Ga-Won Lee Prof. Chungnam National University
Jin-Koog Shin Dr. KETI
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chungang University
Seung-Hee Lee Prof. Chonbuk national University
Chung-Kun Song Prof. Dong-A University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary Chair-person Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Woo-Hyun Paik CEO LG Electronics
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee CEO Samsung Electronics
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Seoul National University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
consultative committee Jun-Hyung Souk adviser Samsung Electronics
Ho-Kyoon Chung Prof. Sungkyunkwan university
Sung-Tae Kim adviser LG Siltron
Hyun-Dae Cho President Semiconductor Equipment
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Vice President Jin Jang Prof. Kyunghee University
Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Joint Assistant Vice President Sang-Soo Kim Vice President samsumg mobile display
In-Jae Chung Vice President LG Display
Sung-Tae Shin District manger Samsung Electronics
Woo-Young Kwak Vice President LG Electronics
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Hee-Dong Park Prof. Center for Next-generation Information Display Technologies Development
General Secretary Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Byung-Doo Chin Prof. Dankook University
Director of Finance Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Chang-Hee Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Editor Director Chung-Kun Song Prof. Dong-A University
Cheol-Hee Moon Prof. Hoseo University
Director of Domestic Affairs Kyung-Cheol Choi Prof. KASIT
Mun-Pyo Hong Prof. Korea University
Yong-Taek Hong Prof. Seoul National University
Director of Academic Affairs Tae-Hoon Yoon Prof. Pusan National University
Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Dae-Gyu Moon Prof. SoonChunHyang University
Director of Industry and Academe Cooperation Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Sang-Hee Park Dr. ETRI
Planning Director Byung-Seong Bae Prof. Hoseo University
Kee-Chan Park Prof. Konkuk University
Director of Membership Jang-Hyuk Kwon Prof. Kyunghee University
Seung-Woo Lee Prof. Kyunghee University
Auditor Ju-Young Jeong Prof. Suwon University
Dong-Myung Shin Prof. Hongik University
Joint Assistant Director Byong-Deok Choi Prof. Hanyang University
Jin-Seong Park Prof. Dankook University
Jae-Kyeong Jeong Prof. Inha University
Hee-Hwan Choi Prof. Korea Aerospace University

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary Chair-person Woo-Hyun Paik CEO LG Electronics
Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee CEO Samsung Electronics
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Seoul National University
Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jun-Hyung Souk Vice-president Samsung Electronics
Ho-Kyoon Chung Vice-president samsumg mobile display
Sung-Tae Kim Vice-president LG Electronics
Hyun-Dae Cho President Semiconductor Equipment
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Woo-Hyun Paik CEO LG Electronics
Vice President Jin Jang Prof. Kyunghee University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Joint Assistant Vice President Jun-Hyeong Souk Vice President samsumg mobile display
In-Jae Chung Vice President Samsung SDI
Sung-Tae Kim Vice President LG Electronics
In-Jae Jeong Vice President LG Display
General Secretary Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Director of Finance Chang-Hee Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Lee-Mi Do Prof. Seoul National University
Editor Director Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Cheol-Hee Moon Prof. Hoseo University
Director of Domestic Affairs Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Yong Tae Sul Prof. Hoseo University
Director of Academic Affairs Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Soon-Ki Kwon Prof. Gyeongsang National University
Director of Industry and Academe Cooperation Sung-Tae Shin Managing Director Samsung Electronics
Byung-Seong Bae Prof. Hoseo University
Director ofInternational Affairs Hyun-Dae Cho President Semiconductor Equipment
Kyung Cheol Choi Prof. KAIST
Planning Director Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Byoung-Ho Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Director of Membership Sang Jik Kwon Prof. Kyungwon University
Mun-Pyo Hong Prof. Korea University
Auditor Seong Hoon Hahm Managing Executive Director LG Electronics
Hee-Dong Park Head Center for Next-generation Information Display Technologies Development

Advisory Group
Position Name Title Affiliation
Honorary Chair-person Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sang-Wan Lee CEO Samsung Electronics
Yong-Bae Kim Prof. Konkuk University
Myoung-Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Min-Koo Han Prof. Seoul National University
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Vice President Jin Jang Prof. Kyunghee University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Seoul National University
Hee-Gook Lee CEO LG Electronics
General Secretary Hyun-Jae Kim Prof. Yonsei University
Ho Kyoon Jeong Vice-preside Samsung SDI
Director of Finance Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Eun-Sun Shin CEO SFA
Editor Director Sang-Hyon Paik Prof. Kyunghee University
Jae-Hoon Kim Prof. Hanyang University
Director of Domestic Affairs Yong Tae Sul Prof. Hoseo University
In-Jae Jeong Vice-president LG Philips-LCD
Director of Academic Affairs Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Korea University
Jun-Hyung Souk Vice-president Samsung Electronics
Director of Industry and Academe Cooperation Jong-Sun Choi Prof. Hongik University
Sung-Tae Kim Vice-president LG Electronics
Director ofInternational Affairs Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Young-Kwon Song Managing Executive Director Merck Advanced Technologies Ltd.
Planning Director Chang-Hee Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Lee-Mi Do Dr. ETRI
Director of Membership Sang Jik Kwon Prof. Kyungwon University
Mun-Pyo Hong Prof. Korea University
Auditor Hee-Dong Park Head Center for Next-generation Information Display Technologies Development
Chang-Hyun park CEO Hongik University
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Sang-Wan Lee CEO Samsung Electronics
Vice President Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Jin Jang Prof. Kyunghee University
Director of GeneralAffair Sung-Tae Shin Managing Executive Director Korea University
In-Jae Chung Prof. LG Philips-LCD
Director of Finance Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Byeong-Kwon Ju Dr. KIST
Editor Director Hee-Dong Park Head Center for Next-generation Information Display Technologies Development
Yong-Seog Kim Prof. Hongik University
Director of Domestic Affairs Sang Jik Kwon Prof. Kyungwon University
Jung-Yeal Lee Managing Executive Director BOE-Hydis
Director of Academic Affairs Lee-Soon Park Prof. Kyungpook National University
Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Director of Industry and Academe Cooperation Jun-Hyung Souk Managing Director Samsung Electronics
Shin-Won Kang Prof. Kyungpook National University
Director ofInternational Affairs Sung-Kyoo Lim Prof. Dankook University
Byung-Hak Lee Managing Executive Directorr Samsung SDI
Planning Director Chang-Hee Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Lee-Mi Do Dr. ETRI
Auditor Jae-Chang Kim Prof. Pusan National University
Chang-Hyun park CEO DE&T
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Yong-Bae Kim Prof. Konkuk University
Vice President Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Myeong-Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Sang-Wan Lee CEO Samsung Electronics
Director of General Affair Myeong-Ho Park Managing Executive Director LG Electronics
Sung-Tae Shin Prof. Korea University
Director of Finance Lee-Soon Park Prof. Kyungpook National University
Jong-Bae Choi CEO Hanmak Corporation
Editor Director Se-Geun Park Prof. Inha University
Hee-Dong Park Dr. Center for Next-generation Information Display Technologies Development
Director of Domestic Affairs Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Woo-Yeol Kim Managing Executive Director LG LCD
Director of Industry and Academe Cooperation Chang-Hyun park CEO DE&T
Seon-Woo Park CEO UPD
Director of International Affairs Sung-Kyoo Lim Prof. Dankook University
Jae-Soo Yoo Prof. Chung-Ang University
Planning Director Jun-Dong Kim Director Seoul National University
Gyeong-Ik Joe General Manager ETRI
Auditor Hae-Gang Kim Vice-president Shunwha OPLA Co., Ltd.
Jeong-Su Cho Prof. Pusan National University
KIDS Board Members
Position Name Title Affiliation
President Jong-Duk Lee Prof. Konkuk University
Vice President Myeong-Hwan Oh Prof. Dankook University
Yong-Bae Kim Prof. Konkuk University
Seon-Hwi Jeong Vice President Samsung Electronics
Director of General Affair Ki-Woong Hwang Prof. Seoul National University
Sung-Kyoo Lim Prof. Dankook University
Director of Finance Lee-Soon Park Prof. Kyungpook National University
Jong-Bae Choi CEO Hanmak Corporation
Editor Director Se-Geun Park Prof. Inha University
Soon-Sik Kim Dr. SEHAN
Director of Domestic Affairs Oh-Kyong Kwon Prof. Hanyang University
Su-Hwan Choi Dr. Hyundai Electronics
Director of AcademicAffairs Jin Jang Prof. Kyunghee University
Woo-Yeol Kim Managing Executive Director LG LCD
Director of Industry and Academe Cooperation Seon-Woo Park CEO UPD
Myeong-Ho Park Managing Executive Director LG Electronics
Director of International Affairs Sin-Doo Lee Prof. Seoul National University
Jun-Hyeong Seok Vice-president Samsung Electronics
Planning Director Gyeong-Ik Joe General Manager Seoul National University
Jun-Dong Kim Dr. Orion Electronic
Auditor Hae-Gang Kim Vice-president Shunwha OPLA Co., Ltd.
Jeong-Su Cho Prof. Pusan National University